This page is intended to provide a mechanism to share general information about the Networks research group. Please contact Gareth with suggestions for additions.

Criteria for News Page (by Gareth)

The idea behind the news page is to include a small snapshot of the group’s achievement. Although there is no exact criteria for what is considered “newsworthy”, we would like to elicit things such as: new funding, commercial impact, awards (e.g. best paper, best demo) and chairing/organising conferences. The most frequent news will be publications. Here, we thought it best to only include our “premier” conference and journal papers. This is a subjective term and therefore (in a seminar discussion) we have devised some objective criteria by which people can objectively decide eligibility for inclusion. These are:

  1. Journal/magazine publications should have an impact factor of 1.5+. Good examples include Transactions on Networking, Transactions on Wireless Communications, JSAC, ACM Computing Surveys, Transactions on Mobile Computing, Transactions on Multimedia, Communications of the ACM, Journal of the ACM.
  2. Conference publications should haven an acceptance rate of 25% or below OR ranked as A*/A on the CORE rankings.  Good examples include SIGCOMM, INFOCOM, MobiCom, SenSys, CoNEXT, MobiHoc, ICNP, NSDI, SIGMETRICS, WWW.

Obviously, this criteria is quite strict (it excludes many of my papers!) and therefore we will only be occasionally updating the paper list, e.g. hopefully once a month on average. However, the idea is that this will give visitors a really impressive overview of our research outputs. Objective metrics are not an ideal way to judge a paper’s inclusion, but this is the most transparent mechanism that does not fall back onto subjective decisions made by somebody within the group (e.g. me!). If anybody has interesting news that matches this, please could they send it to me so I can publicise it on the group page.