The Networks Research Group was established in 1987 and is active in key areas of networking, particularly Internet Measurements, Software Defined Networking, Web Systems and Social Computing. The group has an international reputation for excellence: our work is regularly published in prestigious venues such as SIGCOMM, IMC, WWW, SIGMETRICS, INFOCOM, CoNEXT, USENIX ATC, VLDB, HotNets and various premier IEEE/ACM Transactions (e.g. ToN, TPDS, TC, TMC, TWEB, TOPS). Our research is funded by a mix of grants from EPSRC, EU H2020, and industrial partners. The group is also highly active in community activities, having hosted conferences such as IMC, SIGCOMM, DEV and TMA in London. Our team regularly serves on organising and programme committees, such as SIGCOMM, SIGMETRICS, IMC, WWW, CoNEXT, HotNets etc.

Current Research Activities

  • Internet Measurements
  • Social computing
  • Software Defined Networking
  • Network and information security
  • Network programmability
  • Topology Theory & Resilience
  • Distributed Systems 
  • Distributed Machine Learning
  • Internet of Things