4th PhD School on Traffic Monitoring and Analysis (TMA), 2014Organizers: Dario Rossi, Chair (tma2014-phd-school@listes.telecom-paristech.fr) Sabri Zaman, Local chair (sabri.zaman@qmul.ac.uk) Hamed Saljooghinejad, Local chair&Webmaster (h.saljooghinejad@qmul.ac.uk) Speakers: Timur Friedman, Jordan Auge and Marc-Olivier Buob (Université Pierre et Marie Curie) Benoit Donnet and Korian Edeline (Université de Liege) Renata Teixeira and Anna-Kaisa Pitilainen (Inria) Alessandro Finamore (Politecnico di Torino) Dates and venue: April 15th-16th, London UK Colocated with the 6th TMA Workshop, held the April 14th http://networks.eecs.qmul.ac.uk/news/tma-2014 Application: Please refer to following URL: Closed Application is free of charge and entitles participation to the TMA Workshop Application deadline: March 12th Location: Room: People’s Palace 2 (PP2), School of EECS at Queen Mary University of London, Mile End Road, London E1 4NS, United Kindom ————————————————————————————————————————————————————- The 4th PhD school on Traffic Monitoring and Analysis (TMA), continues the traditional blend of theory and practice initiated by the three former editions (see the TMA portal http://www.tma-portal.eu/cost-tma-action/phd-schools/ ). Talks will be followed by hands on laboratory sessions where PhD students will have the chance to put in practice cutting-edge methodologies they just have been exposed to — aiming at reinforcing the learning process and drive down the cost to start new research work in the TMA domain. This year school will cover both passive and active measurement techniques, with emphasis on inference of network behavior, possibly at scale, covering the whole value chain of the Internet ecosystem. In the current Internet, users access Cloud based applications through Web browsers or smartphone apps. The overall user experience depends on different and independently operated network segments and software tools: so that the overall path from the household to the Cloud starts from an home network and traverse several autonomous systems, before finally hitting the data center or content distribution node. It follows that to assess the quality of user experience, and troubleshoot issues that potentially arise at any step in the path, a multitude of methodologies are needed. For example, problems may be local to the user home (e.g., bufferbloat), or in the path (e.g., failing or misconfigured equipment), or in the datacenter (e.g., faraway Cloud node). Techniques and tools learnt throughout the school will allow students to detect Cloud applications that are using anycast addresses by leveraging multiple vantage points. They will reveal and fingerprint intermediate routers in the paths to the Cloud. They will assess application performance from the edge, either by peeking through the user browser, or by passive inspection of the traffic from network links. The PhD school will take place right after the TMA conference and school attendees will have the chance to follow the TMA workshop at no cost. Additionally, by means of poster sessions, will give PhD students a chance to present their ongoing work to TMA attendees and take valuable feedback. Finally, participants can share her/his research with peers and specialized professors during practical sessions with the aim of advancing her/his own project and consolidating a network of practitioners and scholars in the TMA field. ProgramSchedule
MaterialMaterial for theory lessons and labs will be available during the school. Talks will be recorded in HQ video, and made available offline. Labs will require you to bring your own device (BYOD). Labs are set up so that either software can be installed on standard Linux installations, with virtual machines for Labs with special requirements.
Evaluation and School credits
Several laboratories will be offered to students, to allow them to practice with the methodologies and tools presented during the course. A final exam will be present at the end of the school (for students that require it): exam modes are still to be decided, and will be given during the classes (e.g., written test, assignments). At the end of the school, we will release a certificate that will report the total number of hours of the school (and the outcome of the final examination). You can use that certificate to ask for credits at your institution. In most Universities 1 credit = 5 hours. Students have to apply for an admittance to the PhD school. Presentation of ongoing work is mandatory, so be sure to specify the title of your poster. To apply, please, fill in the the registration form on or before deadline. A maximum of 35 students will be admitted to the course. After the applications have been received, the selection panel will inform the selected participants using the mail given in the registration form. A list with the names of the participants will be published on the school website. The selected participants are asked to register to the course after their arrival to the conference site. Registration to the school entitles participation to the TMA workshop. Travel grants may be available (pending Sigcomm approval), for eligible students, and priority will be given to early requester. Students winner of the grant will receive money (exact amount depending on the number of requests) after the end of the school. A list of the assigned grants will be published soon after the application deadline.Admission to the school is free of charge. Registration to the school also entitles participation to the TMA workshop. The PhD school will be held: People’s Palace 2 (PP2), School of EECS at Queen Mary University of London, Mile End Road, London E1 4NS, United Kindom Maps: the Campus Further details (including a list of recommended hotels) is now available at here.
Participants List