Paper “Movie Pirates of the Caribbean: Exploring Illegal Streaming Cyberlockers” by Damilola Ibosiola, Ben Steer, Steve Uhlig, Gareth Tyson and collaborators has been accepted at the International AAAI Conference on Web and Social Media (ICWSM’18). This is the premier conference for
Grant proposal accepted!
Dr. Gareth Tyson and collaborators have been awarded a €122k grant to investigate the use of illegal gambling websites across Europe. This is part of a collaboration with the Queen Mary University of London School of Law.
Seminar: Dr. Aaron Yi Ding
The agenda for the seminar this week is listed below. Speaker: Aaron Yi Ding (TU Munich, Germany) Title: Play it on the Edge – the Fun, the Risks, and the Lessons Abstract: This talk will introduce three systems built for edge/IoT networks, namely
PhD studentships available
PhD studentships are available in any area of EECS, including networking and distributed systems (deadline 31st Jan). Click here for further information or contact any of our academics to discuss opportunities.
Paper accepted at CCR
Paper “Open Connect Everywhere: A Glimpse at the Internet Ecosystem through the Lens of the Netflix CDN” by Timm Böttger, Felix Cuadrado, Gareth Tyson, Ignacio Castro and Steve Uhlig has been accepted to SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review (CCR). This is a top journal on computer networks (January).
Paper accepted at WWW
Paper “Facebook (A)Live? Are live social broadcasts really broadcasts?” by Gareth Tyson and collaborators has been accepted at the World Wide Web Conference (WWW). This is the premier conference in web research with an acceptance rate of 15%.
2017 (click to expand)
Paper “Online Aggregation of the Forwarding Information Base: Accounting for Locality and Churn” by Prof. Steve Uhlig and colleagues has been accepted by IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking (ToN). This is the premier journal for networks research with an impact factor of 3.376 (December). 8 PhD
2016 (click to expand)
Dr Marjan Falahrastegar has passed her PhD viva with a thesis entitled “The Complex Third-Party Tracking Ecosystem: A Multi-Dimensional Perspective“. Congratulations (December)! Paper “Internet Scale User-Generated Live Video Streaming: The Twitch Case” by Jie Deng, Dr. Gareth Tyson, Dr. Felix Cuadrado and Prof. Steve Uhlig has been
2015 (click to expand)
Congratulations to all the organisers of the ACM DEV’15 conference hosted at QMUL this week. The conference, locally chaired by Dr. Gareth Tyson, focussed on technologies for developing regions and was also co-located with an IRTF GAIA meeting (December). Paper “iBGP2:
2014 (click to expand)
Many thanks to Prof. Jon Crowcroft for his excellent distinguished seminar for the Networks group, and guitar playing for the Christmas party! (December). The School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science has been ranked very highly in the Research Excellence Framework. We