The agenda for the seminar this week is listed below:

Title: Routing and Delivery Challenges in Opportunistic Networking

Nodes can communicate wirelessly forming an ad-hoc network, and using their direct neighbours to reach further nodes. They can also use a managed wireless network (assisted by some infrastructural elements such as access points). Sometimes, though, nodes cannot create such networks due to a number of reasons, including mobility requirements, availability, privacy concerns, or even energetic or economic constraints. An alternative is Opportunistic Networking (OppNet), where messages are sent to nodes in direct communication range, who store and carry them until there is a new opportunity to forward the messages to other nodes. OppNets are not contenders for the fastest or most reliable network, but are second to none regarding delay and disruption tolerance. This makes them good candidates in a number of scenarios, including low costs (energy, resources, money) networks such as sensor networks, or the Internet of Things; interplanetary or submarine networks; and networks where nodes need to maintain the privacy of their whereabouts or the anonymity of their users. However, there is still a number of research issues to be addressed before they can be widely deployed, mainly around routing (efficiency, secure georouting, forwarding incentives, …) and delivery (social-cast, profile-cast, …). This talk will introduce to the latest research of the SeNDA group in these areas.

Sergi Robles received his PhD in Computer Engineering from Universitat Autónoma de Barcelona (UAB). He is an associate professor in the Department of Information and Communications Engineering at UAB, where he leads the Security of Networks and Distributed Applications (SeNDA) research group. His latest research interests are routing and delivery in Opportunistic Networking and their application in Distributed Crowd Sensing. Regarding teaching, he lectures courses about computer networks and security, and he is very interested in teaching innovation in higher education. He currently leads the UAB interdisciplinary group on the application of Gamification strategies to improve learning.

Venue: Eng: 3.71 (Engineering Building)

Time and Date: 12 to 1 PM, Wednesday, 23rd January 2019

Please keep the dates on your calendar.

Any comments, advice would be appreciated.

Seminar by Sergi Robles