- Congratulations to all the organisers of the ACM DEV’15 conference hosted at QMUL this week. The conference, locally chaired by Dr. Gareth Tyson, focussed on technologies for developing regions and was also co-located with an IRTF GAIA meeting (December).
- Paper “iBGP2: a scalable iBGP redistribution mechanism leading to optimal routing” by Prof. Steve Uhlig has been accepted to IEEE INFOCOM. This is one of the premier networking conferences with an acceptance rate of 18% (November).
- Dr. Stefan Poslad has become the editor of a special issue on “Ubiquitous Computing: From Interlinking Smart Tabs, Pads and Boards towards Interlinking Smart Skins, Dust and Clay“, as part of the Informatics Journal (September).
- Paper “RiPKI: The Tragic Story of RPKI Deployment in the Web Ecosystem” by Prof. Steve Uhlig, Dr. Gareth Tyson and colleagues has been accepted to ACM HotNets. This is the premier venue for new and emerging ideas in networks research, with an acceptance rate of 18% (September).
- Paper “Demystifying and Mitigating TCP Stalls at the Server Side” by Prof. Steve Uhlig has been accepted to ACM CoNEXT. This is one of the premier networking conferences with an acceptance rate of 21% (September)
- Paper “SCORE: Exploiting global broadcasts to create offline personal channels for on-demand access” by Dr. Gareth Tyson and colleagues, has been accepted to IEEE/ACM Transactions in Networking (ToN). This is the premier journal for networks research (August).
- Congratulations to all the local organisers of the ACM SIGCOMM’15 conference, including Prof. Steve Uhlig, Dr. Hamed Haddadi and Dr. Felix Cuadrado! The conference, organised primarily by Queen Mary University of London, Tallinn University of Technology and Microsoft Research, was a huge success and enjoyed by (hopefully!) everybody there.
- Funded PhD position available, investigating the role of data in our society, and how technology can be used to give greater control to users. This is under the supervision of Dr. Hamed Haddadi. Further details can be found here (August).
- Congratulations to Dr. Stefan Poslad and Dr. Zelun Zhang, who have received the IEEE Sensors Journal Best Paper Award for their paper “Optimum Use of Foot Force Sensors and Mobile Phone GPS for Mobility Activity Recognition“! This award includes a $2,000 prize, which will be awarded at a ceremony in South Korea (July).
- Kleomenis Katevas has won this year’s Brendan Murphy Memorial Young Researcher Prize for his presentation at MSN’15 at Cosener’s House (July).
- Research revealing serious security flaws in several large VPN providers has been virally reported in the media, including The Register, Wired, LifeHacker, TorrentFreak, Slashdot, PCWorld, Softpedia, ComputerWorld, TechSpot, BusinessInsider, TechReport and BestVPN. The research performed by Dr. Claudiu Perta, Dr. Marco Valerio Barbera, Dr. Gareth Tyson, Dr. Hamed Haddadi and Prof. Alessandro Mei has resulted in a number of fixes deployed by these major VPNs (July).
- Queen Mary has been again ranked as a world top 100 university by the QS University Rankings (June).
- Dr. Stefan Poslad, Dr. Eliane Bodanese and Dr. John Bigham have been awarded a Queen Mary Innovation Fund award to trial a novel prototype indoor tracking system to monitor and evaluate the movement of people in indoor spaces focussing on libraries and retail outlets (June).
- Paper “Using a Smart City IoT to Incentivise and Target Shifts in Mobility Behaviour – It is a Piece of Pie? ” by Dr. Stefan Poslad, Dr. Athen Ma has been published in the journal Sensors. Sensors is a top-rate sensors journal in computer science with an impact factor of 2.0 (June).
- Paper “A Semantic IoT Early Warning System for Natural Environment Crisis Management ” by Dr. Stefan Poslad has been published in IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computing (TETC) (May).
- Research Assistant position available, investigating software defined networking and Internet exchange points. This is part of the H2020 project ENDEAVOUR, alongside Prof. Steve Uhlig and Dr. Felix Cuadrado. Further details can be found here (March).
- New PhD studentship available on Big Data and large-scale dynamic graph sensing, supervised by Dr. Felix Cuadrado! Further details can be found here (March).
- Paper “Are People Really Social on Porn 2.0” by Dr. Gareth Tyson and Prof. Steve Uhlig has been accepted at the 9th AAAI International Conference on Web and Social Media (ICWSM’15). This is the premier venue for social media research with an acceptance rate of 19% (March).
- Paper “Design and Evaluation of the Optimal Cache Allocation for Content-Centric Networking” by Dr. Gareth Tyson and Prof. Steve Uhlig has been accepted in IEEE Transactions on Computers. This is a premier journal in distributed systems with an impact factor of 1.47 (February).
- Paper “A Glance through the VPN Looking Glass: IPv6 Leakage and DNS Hijacking in Commercial VPN Clients” by Dr. Claudiu Perta, Dr. Marco Valerio Barbera, Dr. Gareth Tyson, Dr. Hamed Haddadi and Prof. Alessandro Mei has been accepted to the 15th Privacy Enhancing Technologies Symposium (PETS). This is the premier conference for privacy research with an acceptance rate of ~20% (January).
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